plot twist

美 [plɑːt twɪst]英 [plɒt twɪst]
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plot twistplot twist
  1. The findings also add a new plot twist to the dynamic tale of body fat 's role and function .


  2. I 'll just tell you , real quick , every important plot twist and turn . Also how it ends .


  3. Just when you thought you had the whole thing figured out , there 's a plot twist .


  4. This plot twist was revealed by Gene and Big Boss'response was believably frantic .


  5. They can establish character , set up a romantic scene , introduce a plot twist , ignite a gag .


  6. With every character , setting , and plot twist that a reader absorbs , his or her brain is in overdrive building new and strengthening old neuron brain connections .


  7. Sherlock-the-character has a fanatic following , with fans who debate every Cumberbatchian movement and every plot twist with the fervor of grassy-knoll conspiracy buffs .


  8. As a plot twist , it is " more effective than any previous murder or immoral ploy ever [ was ] , " Indiewire 's Nikola Grozdanovic wrote .


  9. I promise you this : every plot twist and character flaw , every afternoon spent in a bookstore and late night discussion over haphazard stacks of books will absolutely and undoubtedly be worth it !


  10. The whole time while watching the film I was waiting for something to happen-the usual * clunky plot twist , one that veered the narrative into the realm of * sappy teen dramas .


  11. Bertha Mason , a character in the autobiographical novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte , has always been ignored and regarded only as a supporting part that makes the plot turn and twist .


  12. The plot has too many twist , so its credibility is low .
